Q:Hi Sophie, can I ask where you went to school or how you got training to become a make up artist? I am interested in pursuing this career paths as well and I'm looking for a good school to attend!
A: Hello there, based on my own experiences I strongly feel that one of the best way to train yourself as a makeup artist is by assisting other established artists who have been in the industry for decades. I'm based in NYC and had the joy to assist Vanessa Evelyn, she also offers one on one classes which are definitely an eye opener! She is amazing and I have learn so much from her. Here is a link to her site: http://www.petraalexandra.com I recommend contacting your local Artist Agencies and ask to be put in the assistant list, every agencies should have a roster of artists who need assistants. I read in yourprofile that you are from California, some of the biggest agencies there are :
Before you contact them, make sure to do your homework, find out who they represent and identify who you'd like to assist. Once you have spoken or email the bookers, it's a good idea to follow up and touch bases with them.
1. Always arrive earlier than call time
2. No gossiping, or handing out your cards or personal contact information. You are there to assist the key makeup artist and makeup her job easier not to promote yourself.
3. Be ready and very attentive. Make sure the makeup station is clean and organized at all times. Make sure to help the key makeup artist with what she needs, be prepare to hand shadows, powder, q-tips, etc.
Hope this was helpful. If you are looking for school in california, check http://www.ilovescandalous.com/school.html (i think the site is under construction)
Priscilla (teacher/co-founder) is amazing!